Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Feds: Man Threatened To Shoot Calif. Senator Like A Wolf


Tras Gustav Karlsson Berg, a 35-year-old California resident, has been arrested by federal authorities and charged with threatening an as yet unnamed U.S. senator from California for an e-mail he allegedly sent last month in opposition to taking wolves off the Endangered Species List.

"I'm going to shoot you with a high-powered rifle and bomb your house with poison gas the way wolf hunters do if you don't do everything you can to oppose legislation that would eliminate Endangered Species Act protections for wolves across the country RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" Berg allegedly wrote.

The court filing was first reported by the San Francisco Chronicle, which writes that Berg was a convicted arsonist and sex offender. The e-mail, titled "Oppose the Anti-Wolf Continuing Resolution," was allegedly sent on Feb. 24, according to a complaint filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco yesterday.

It isn't clear whether the letter was directed at Sen. Dianne Feinstein or Sen. Barbara Boxer, as neither senator was mentioned in the complaint.

Berg registered as a sex offender after he was convicted of kissing and sending letters and e-mails to a 13-year-old girl at a school where he had worked as a substitute teacher, the newspaper reported.

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