Wednesday, January 05, 2011

O NOES - Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated CPAC


The right-wing site World Net Daily and conservative columnist Frank Gaffney came up with a new reason this week to hate the Conservative Political Action Conference, arguing that it has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood thanks to Grover Norquist, the Republican group Muslims For America, and Ex-Bush staffer Suhail Khan.

In an interview with TPM today, Khan described how "every few months there's a different iteration of [Gaffney] and his cohorts' wild accusations," but it is simply untrue, and a part of Gaffney's "tempter tantrum" that he has been marginalized by the conservative movement.

As we reported, several social conservative groups have pulled out of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference that will take place this February, because the gay conservative group GOProud will be attending. The Family Research Council and the National Organization for Marriage were among those who backed out.

CPAC is not exactly known for its fuzzy left-wing politics. Last year's conference included appearances by Dick and Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, and Jim DeMint, with Glenn Beck as keynote speaker. Rush Limbaugh keynoted in 2009.............................

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