Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Media Matters Daily Summary 09-16-09

Ignoring police report, Carlson advanced false claim that ACORN employee killed husband
Referring to a San Bernardino, California, ACORN employee whose claim that she killed her husband was recorded by actors posing as a prostitute and pimp, Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson asked, "She killed somebody?" adding, "Despite this, some lawmakers want to keep funding the group." However, the San Bernardino Police Department investigated the matter and concluded that the claims made by Tresa Kaelke -- the ACORN staffer in question who said she fabricated the story because the actors filming her "were clearly playing with me" -- "do not appear to be factual," and that her "known former husbands" are "alive and well." Read More

Media conservatives rush to defend Wilson
Conservative media have recently rushed to defend Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) by criticizing a resolution by House Democrats that formally reprimands Wilson for shouting "you lie" at President Obama during his recent address before Congress. Their defenses have ranged from claiming that the House resolution is a "stunt," to suggesting Democrats are engaging in hypocrisy by reprimanding Wilson, to echoing Republican National Committee (RNC) talking points that the House should also reprimand Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) for their previous statements and alleged actions. Read More

Fox News reports fake murder story from ACORN video as fact
After Andrew Breitbart posted a video of an ACORN employee in San Bernardino, California, claiming that she had killed her ex-husband, Fox News' Glenn Beck, Karl Rove, Greta Van Susteren, and Sean Hannity promoted it without fact-checking it or indicating that they had contacted ACORN for a response to the claim. In fact, ACORN stated that the employee made up the story because she recognized that the actors in the video "were clearly playing with" her so she "matched their false scenario with her own false scenarios," and, indeed, the San Bernardino Police Department has said her claim is false. Read More

Fox News runs with San Bernardino ACORN video without needed fact check
On September 15 and 16, Fox News devoted significant programming to conservative filmmaker James O'Keefe and columnist Hannah Giles' video of their interactions with an ACORN worker, who claimed she murdered her husband and gave advice on how to run a brothel, but stated after the video was released that she had merely been attempting to "shock them as much as they were shocking me." In running with the video, Fox News hosts frequently promoted the fake claim that the ACORN employee killed her husband without fact checking the allegation or indicating that they had contacted ACORN for a response. Read More

Conservatives express outrage about charges that their attacks on Obama are racist
Conservatives in the media have recently criticized congressional Democrats, Jimmy Carter, Maureen Dowd, and others for suggesting that attacks on President Obama are racially motivated, saying, for example, that it's a "disgusting smear," "a sign of desperation," and " despicable tactics." However, conservative media figures -- including some who are now decrying the accusations -- have themselves used charges of racism when discussing Obama and his policies. Read More

NY Times, Baltimore Sun ignore possible illegality of ACORN videotapers' actions
In September 16 articles, The New York Times and Baltimore Sun covered attacks against ACORN based on videotapes of conservative activists posing as a prostitute and a pimp while speaking to ACORN employees in several states, including California and Maryland. However, those articles did not note that, as ACORN has alleged, some of the videotapes may have been taken illegally. Read More

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