Thursday, December 06, 2007

Biden - "Cheney wouldn’t know a working democracy if he fell over it."

Dec. 6: Democratic presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Joe Biden issued the following statement today, in response to news reports that Vice President Cheney “predicted Iraq will be a self-governing democracy by the time he leaves office,” and called “the current U.S. surge strategy ‘a remarkable success story’ that will be studied for years to come.”

“It’s no wonder the Vice President would say that,” Sen. Biden stated. “Between the hidden meetings with Halliburton on energy, the warrantless wiretapping of Americans, and the vague definitions of torture he uses, Vice President Cheney wouldn’t know a working democracy if he fell over it.

“The Vice President remains in a state of total denial. The stated purpose of the surge was to buy time for political progress in Iraq.

“Vice President Cheney has been consistently wrong about Iraq, from his claim it had reconstituted nuclear weapons before the war, to his assertion more than two years ago that the insurgency was in its last throes.”

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