Monday, October 15, 2007

Media Matters for America, October 15, 2007 article contains language nearly identical to WorldNetDaily article, including falsehood

An October 10 article on the conservative news website WorldNetDaily about reactions to Ann Coulter's comment that Christians "just want Jews to be perfected, as they say" asserted that the controversy over her comment began when Media Matters for America, "a pro-Democrat media lobby headed by David Brock, noted Coulter's appearance on CNBC's 'The Big Idea' with host Donny Deutsch." An October 12 article contained large sections that were nearly identical to the WorldNetDaily report, including the inaccurate description of Media Matters. In fact, Media Matters is not affiliated with any party or candidate. Read more

Coulter: "I don't think most Jews are as stupid as Donny Deutsch"

On the October 11 broadcast of Steve Malzberg's WOR (New York) radio show, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter stood by her recent comment -- documented by Media Matters for America -- that "we" Christians "just want Jews to be perfected." She made that statement on the October 8 edition of CNBC's The Big Idea, during which host Donny Deutsch later said, "I'm offended by that personally." On Malzberg's show, Coulter defended her remarks by saying that she had "stated the ... doctrine of Christianity," and that the idea that Christians "want Jews to be perfected" "comes from that raging anti-Semite St. Paul." She added: "I don't think most Jews are as stupid as Donny Deutsch," and later asked, referring to Deutsch, "Is that guy even bar mitzvahed?" Read more

Wash. Post advanced myth that social conservatives are only constituency who vote their values

In an article on an upcoming event sponsored in part by the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family, The Washington Post called the conference a gathering of "[v]alues voters," and uncritically reported its claim that it is "the largest gathering of values voters from across the nation" -- joining other media outlets in advancing the myth that social conservatives are the only political constituency that votes their "values." Read more

MSNBC's Brewer claimed "even conservative Republican presidential candidates are trying to sidestep" SCHIP -- but several support veto

On MSNBC Live, discussing Democrats' efforts to override President Bush's veto of the SCHIP bill, Contessa Brewer stated that "even conservative Republican presidential candidates are trying to sidestep this issue." However, several of the leading Republican candidates have spoken in support of Bush's veto, including Sen. John McCain and Mitt Romney. Read more

WSJ editorial said Bush supports a "20% expansion" of SCHIP -- not according to CBO

A Wall Street Journal editorial claimed that President Bush's proposed $5 billion increase in funding over five years for the State Children's Health Insurance Program would be a "20% expansion." But the Congressional Budget Office found that Bush's proposal would underfund the program by $9 billion during that period. Read more

Wash. Post quoted White House saying not for Congress to "work[] out" whether Armenians suffered "genocide" -- but Bush himself did in 2000

A Washington Post column discussing a congressional resolution that would label the killing of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915-1923 as genocide quoted White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe saying, "What happened nearly 100 years ago in Turkey and Armenia is tragic, but is an historical issue that needs to be worked out by those two countries, not the United States Congress." But the column did not mention that as a presidential candidate in 2000 Bush sent a letter to the Armenian National Committee of America declaring that "[t]he Armenians were subjected to a genocidal campaign that defies comprehension." According to an excerpt of the letter, Bush also said that if elected president, he "would ensure that our nation properly recognizes the tragic suffering of the Armenian people." Read more

MSNBC labeled global warming skeptic Gray a "top meteorologist"

MSNBC Live hosts Mika Brzezinski and Contessa Brewer each described as a "top meteorologist" William M. Gray, who has stated that global warming "is one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the American people." Both also noted Gray's claim that rising temperatures "are simply part of a natural cycle," but neither noted that the overwhelming majority of scientists disagree with that assertion and have concluded that global climate change is caused by human activity. Read more

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