Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Limbaugh Complains Press Didn’t Call Him For Comment, Then Ignores MSNBC’s Call For Comment


On his radio show last Friday, Rush Limbaugh claimed that the uproar over his now-infamous “phony soldiers” comment was “the anatomy of a smear.” As proof, Limbaugh complained that “not one member of the media” had called his office for comment before reporting on his words:

Not one member of the media, not one congressman, nobody has called our office to ask, “Did you really say this? And what did you mean by it?”

But now that he’s further dug himself into hole, calling Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa), a 37-year veteran of the marines, a “phony soldier” and then comparing an Iraq war veteran who denounced his comments to a suicide bomber, Limbaugh is ignoring requests for comment.

MSNBC reported today that Rush was “invited” to “respond” to the story, but that “he has not responded” to the network’s calls:

And of course, we want you to know that we did invited Rush Limbaugh on to respond to this story. He has not responded to our calls.

Video Link

Though Rush is dodging the non-partisan media microscope, he did speak to one sympathetic reporter, the National Review’s Byron York. Apparently, Rush is only willing to “face” those who won’t say anything critical about him.

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