Saturday, October 13, 2007

Key activists arrested in Burma


Burma's military rulers have arrested three of the last remaining leaders of the recent pro-democracy protests which were violently suppressed.

Among those detained was Htay Kywe, who led some of the first marches and was a prominent activist in a 1988 uprising.

The arrests came as thousands attended a pro-government rally in Rangoon, many of them apparently under duress.

UN envoy Ibrahim Gambari, who met junta leaders earlier this month, is preparing for another visit to Burma.

Following the latest arrests, few, if any, leaders of the 1988 generation of former student activists are thought to remain at large.

Other leaders detained overnight included Thin Thin Aye, also known as Mie Mie, and Aung Htoo, according to human rights group Amnesty International......

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