Wednesday, October 17, 2007

All the president's PR men: Raw Story investigation reveals revolving door on Iraq PR


New questions are being raised about political operatives who have promoted President Bush’s Iraq war agenda and their role in spreading “good news” about Iraq, illustrating a public relations revolving door among the Republican Party, the White House and the private sector.

A month long investigation by RAW STORY, originally prompted by the pro-Iraq war advertising of a “grassroots” group called Freedom’s Watch, has unearthed a series of connections between the Bush administration and two subsidiaries of the PR giant Burson-Marsteller, particularly BM’s own “grassroots” firm, Direct Impact.

Founded in 1988, Direct Impact boasts of over “1,200 field representatives covering every Designated Market Area in the nation, ready to engage their community in a moment's notice. Self-designated as a “grass roots” company, Direct Impact's community operations include media and online advocacy.

Direct Impact began working with Burson-Marsteller by 1997 and became a full-fledged subsidiary in late 2001. Following the acquisition, the formerly low-profile firm began hosting a steady stream of powerful Republican Party political and communications figures.......

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