Tuesday, August 14, 2012

‘Joe’ The ‘Plumber’ Will Shoot All Your Mexicans For You, Arizona

Samuel Wurzelbacher emitted one of his periodic publicity-grunts the other day while campaigning in Prescott AZ for Republican state House candidate and pointing-guns-at-people enthusiast Lori Klein. Since the self-designated Raging Id of Conservative America found himself in Arizona, he apparently thought it a good location to say something inflamatory about Mexicans, so he said this:
“I’m running for Congress. How many congressmen or people running for Congress have you heard, put a fence up and start shooting? None? Well you heard it here first. Put troops on the border and start shooting, I bet that solves our immigration problem real quick.”
To everyone’s complete surprise, many found the comments offensive, while a few nodded and praised Wurzelbacher for his refreshing honesty, because murderous bigotry is part of the great American dialogue, isn’t it? READ MORE »

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