Sunday, August 02, 2009

Birther Craziness Gets Worse! / Make your own fake Kenyan birth certificate!

Today we get a ludicrous effort by head Birther Orly Taitz aka Oily Taters to foist off an obviously fake “Kenyan birth certificate” with Barack Obama’s name on it: Is this really it? (re: possible Obama’s Kenyan B.C. - Attny Taitz).

These people are getting desperate. World Net Daily is also salivating over this.

(By the way, if you click the link to Orly Taitz’s blog at Free Republic, you’ll see a phishing warning from your browser if you’re using Safari or Firefox. That means her site has been confirmed to host malware.)

This latest insanity comes as GOP Rep. Eric Cantor tries to blame Birtherism on the liberal media and bloggers. Good luck with that. The GOP “base” is doing a fine job whipping themselves up into a frenzy over this lunacy; there are almost 5,000 comments for this story at Free Republic, and the vast majority are screaming about “smoking guns.”


Make your own fake Kenyan birth certificate!

After observing the hilarity over on Free Republic today I thought it was unfair for Oily Taters to have all the fun, so I put together a blank Kenyan birth certificate for everyone to play with.

Either download the blank form here, print it, and then fill out the form with a typewriter (if you can find one), or open this image in an image editing application and fill it out with a typewriter font, then print.

Take a picture and show us your birth certificates! I'm afraid this photo is bad because the light in here isn't good enough for a pic on my phone (I'll take a better one in the morning), but you may be able to make out that this document proves Prince Charles was born in Kenya. The form has been signed by Deputy Registrar William H. Macy.

Don't forget to give it some authentic looking folds!

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