Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Inciting fear, hate disqualifies Palin


Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin introduced a truly ugly tone into the election campaign during the past week, the kind of speech that has no place in the political rhetoric of this nation.

Palin's stump speech has used smear and scare in place of any substance on issues that confront this nation, starting with the dismal state of the economy and financial markets that threaten to upend so many lives.

Palin's comments -- repeated over several days -- falsely asserting close ties between Sen. Barack Obama and a former member of a violent 1960s radical group comes too close to inciting violence.

Palin's applause line goes, "I'm afraid this is someone who sees America as imperfect enough to work with a former domestic terrorist." With a wink and a shrug, Palin all but calls Obama a terrorist.


Anyone willing to incite this kind of fear and harness this degree of hate for political gain has no business on the national political stage, especially as a candidate for vice president of a major political party, let alone serve in high office......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Help stop the hate.

Please sign the American Petition for the Immediate Abandonment of Dangerous, Incendiary Rhetoric as it Relates to the 2008 Presidential Campaign.