Friday, February 08, 2008

Obama Drives Dump Truck of Dirt to Hillary's House!

US Headlines

In a symbolic action worthy of the Jewish prophets, Barack Obama drove a dump truck full of dirt to the home of rival Demo Candy HR Clinton.

Barack personally painted the side of the truck with Republican party slogans and emblems to represent his threat to Democrats that a Hillary Clinton candidacy would result in an abundant barage of dirt flung by the Republican party.

Along the route to the Clinton residence, Obama stopped for media moments and photo opportunities. In one interview he was asked what "dirt" might be in the Repubdumtruck. Barack was quick to reply: "First off those anti-feminazis are going to critique her baking.I can just hear McCain now saying something like: That Biach can't bake worth a turd. But that's just for starters. When things get dirt-ee and dow-nnn, this truck will dump all kindz of stuff 'bout her sexzual prefs and her bref."

A clever reporter asked the Big BO what a similar RepubDumTruck might dump on his lawn. The tall, swarthy candy appeared stunned. After a long silence a campaign aide stepped forward and declared vehemently that the Junior Senator from Illinois had not been in politics long enough to attract a lot of dirt ...

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