Friday, February 15, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary 02-15-08

O'Reilly falsely suggested Obama has not outlined plans for confronting terrorism in Pakistan or paying for his health-care proposal
On The O'Reilly Factor, Bill O'Reilly aired a portion of a speech in which Sen. Barack Obama said in part, "[T]here's never been anything false about hope." O'Reilly then stated: "Got it. Faith and charity are good, too. We love hope, faith, charity, all that. But that doesn't wipe out the Taliban inside Pakistan or pay for a trillion-dollar entitlement, universal health care." But contrary to O'Reilly's suggestion, Obama has outlined a strategy to combat terrorism in Pakistan and laid out how he plans to pay for his health-care proposal. Read More

Coulter explains why she is "trying to associate [Obama] with Saddam Hussein?": "Because I think it's funny"
On Hannity & Colmes, Alan Colmes asked Ann Coulter, "Why do you keep emphasizing his [Sen. Barack Obama's] middle name as if you're trying to associate him with Saddam Hussein?" Coulter replied, "Because I think it's funny." During the interview, Coulter referred to Obama as "B. Hussein Obama" twice and injected: "Get ready for President Hussein, and let's start planning for the next president." Read More

Limbaugh returned to "testicle lockbox"; claimed Clinton "reminds men of the worst characteristics of women"
Rush Limbaugh revived his claims about Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's so-called "testicle lockbox," stating: "Clinton's testicle lockbox is big enough for the entire Democrat hierarchy, not just some people in the media. ... Her lockbox, her testicle lockbox can handle everybody in the Democrat hierarchy." Limbaugh later claimed that Clinton "reminds men of the worst characteristics of women they've encountered over their life: totally controlling, not soft and cuddly. Not sympathetic. Not patient. Not understanding. Demanding, domineering, Nurse Ratched kind of thing." Read More

Smerconish, Wilkes -- and Matthews himself -- describe Kurtz's profile of Matthews as a valentine
Referring to Howard Kurtz's profile of him published in The Washington Post, Chris Matthews asked on MSNBC's Hardball, "Was that a Valentine's Day message?" Radio host Michael Smerconish said, "[Y]ou two are valentines, you and Kurtz," and Sybil Wilkes of The Tom Joyner Morning Show remarked, "It was a love letter, yes." Read More

Matthews did not challenge guest's assertion that Clinton will use National Journal rating against Obama -- but she said she will not
MSNBC host Chris Matthews did not challenge guest Ken Blackwell's assertion that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton would "use the National Journal's record analysis" that ranked Sen. Barack Obama as the "most liberal senator." In fact, Clinton explicitly rejected the notion that she would use the National Journal ranking against Obama. Read More

Again attempting to explain his controversial remarks, Matthews misrepresented polling on Clinton before Senate run
In a blog post, Chris Matthews wrote that in the midst of the Monica Lewinsky scandal in 1998 and as Hillary Clinton began campaigning in New York, first for then-Senate candidate Chuck Schumer, her "grace under pressure in those dreary months gave her a political lift she'd never enjoyed before. Her national approval numbers spiked from the mid-40s to just above the 70 mark in one poll." In fact, according to Gallup, Clinton's favorability rating never reached as low as "the mid-40s" throughout 1997 or 1998, and she had a 60 percent favorability rating shortly before the Lewinsky scandal broke. Read More

ABC uncritically aired McCain's false suggestion he received 2007 "ranking" from National Journal
On World News, Ron Claiborne uncritically aired Sen. John McCain's assertion that "Senator [Barack] Obama had, according to the National Journal, the most liberal senator in the Senate. I have a very high ranking on the conservative side." In fact, according to the National Journal, McCain "did not vote frequently enough in 2007 to draw a composite score." Read More

AP ignored McCain campaign flip-flop on public funding "in recent days"
The Associated Press reported that advisers to Sen. John McCain "have said in recent days that he would abide by his proposal" to use public campaign financing if Sen. Barack Obama also agrees to do so. But the AP did not mention that according to The New York Times, days before affirming that "he would abide by his proposal," McCain advisers had said that he would not abide by his proposal and would opt not to use public funds. Read More

Ignoring his costly policies on taxes and Iraq, AP called McCain a "deficit hawk"
An Associated Press article described Sen. John McCain as a "deficit hawk" but provided no support for that characterization. While the article mentioned that McCain has called for making permanent President Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, it did not note the absence of budget offsets to pay for them. Further, McCain repeatedly voted in favor of emergency supplemental spending bills for the Iraq war that exacerbated the deficit. Read More

CNN's Beck: "[I]f you're an ugly woman, you're probably a progressive as well"
On the February 14 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, while discussing a Health magazine article about "Surprising reasons you're not having sex," Glenn Beck raised the subject of "ugly people" and said, "[I]f you're a guy, you can get past it. I don't think you can as an ugly woman." Beck, who also hosts his own show on CNN Headline News, continued: "[Y]ou've got a double cross, because if you're an ugly woman, you're probably a progressive as well." He later added: "If you believed in God, you'd know that there's going to be another chance for you. You don't have to be ugly in heaven. You're going to be your perfect self, and there will be another perfect somebody waiting for you on the other side." Read More

NBC falsely suggested House Democrats refused to extend expiring FISA amendments
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams stated that the Republicans "left the House chamber to protest the Democrats' refusal to renew the foreign intelligence surveillance law, which expires this week." In fact, the House voted on a measure to extend the law in question, the Protect America Act, for another 21 days, but all 195 Republicans who voted on the matter voted against it. Moreover, the "foreign intelligence surveillance law" doesn't expire this week; the Protect America Act, giving the president broad authority to intercept communications involving people in the U.S. without a warrant, expires. Even without its renewal, the government has the authority to conduct foreign intelligence surveillance. Read More

NY Times quoted Limbaugh falsely suggesting Obama is a "blank canvas" on taxes, abortion
Reporting on Rush Limbaugh's mock endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama for president, The New York Times' Jacques Steinberg quoted Limbaugh saying: "Barack Obama is pro-life" and "Barack Obama is a tax-cutter extraordinaire." Steinberg then suggested that Limbaugh's comments on taxes and abortion were not "descriptive of Mr. Obama, a liberal Democrat," and explained that the "point" of Limbaugh's "endorsement," according to Limbaugh, "was that Mr. Obama represented 'a blank canvas upon which anyone can project their fantasies and desires.' " But, Obama has, in fact, proposed tax cuts for "middle-class workers, homeowners and retirees" and has made it clear that he supports abortion rights. Read More

Ignoring contrary polling, WSJ claimed "Mr. McCain might enter a race versus Mr. Obama with an advantage among Hispanic voters"
A Wall Street Journal article about a hypothetical general election matchup between Republican Sen. John McCain and Democratic Sen. Barack Obama asserted that "Mr. McCain might enter a race versus Mr. Obama with an advantage among Hispanic voters." However, recent polls have found that significantly more Hispanics would vote for Obama than McCain in a head-to-head contest. Read More

Fox's Chris Wallace suggested false assertion for McCain: Dem Congress went home, denying government tools to fight terrorists
Referring to the expiring revisions to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Fox host Chris Wallace asserted that when Sen. John McCain "gets on the campaign trail and says, 'Look, here is a law that was going to provide the tools for the United States to be able to intercept communications of people who want to kill us and Congress went home, the Democratic Congress went home on a break' -- that's going to be a pretty effective weapon to use against the Democrats in the fall." In fact, contrary to Wallace's suggestion, the government has "the tools" to "intercept communications" of suspected terrorists. Read More

Olbermann awarded Coulter "Worst Person" "bronze" for "B. Hussein Obama" references, and said, "Then we put her on this network today so she could do it again"
MSNBC host Keith Olbermann awarded right-wing pundit Ann Coulter the "bronze" in his nightly "Worst Person in the World" segment for her repeated references to Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama as "B. Hussein Obama" and "President Hussein" during an appearance on Fox News' Your World. Referring to an earlier appearance on MSNBC, he also said: "Then we put her on this network today so she could do it again." Read More

CNN repeats smear of Obama supporters as "creepy" and "cult-like"
CNN's Carol Costello said that audience response at a Barack Obama rally is "a scene some increasingly find not inspirational, but 'creepy,' " quoting columnists who have likened Obama supporters to members of a cult or described their enthusiasm as "creepy." On-screen text during Costello's report read: "OBAMA-MANIA BACKLASH" and "PASSION 'CULT-LIKE' TO SOME." Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer similarly cited other writers to make the same assertion: "ABC's Jake Tapper notes the 'Helter-Skelter cult-ish qualities' of 'Obama worshipers,' what Joel Stein of the Los Angeles Times calls 'the Cult of Obama.' " Read More

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