Thursday, February 07, 2008

Bush Holds Up More Than 84 Nominees Over Torture Advocate: ‘It’s Bradbury, Or Nobody’


The White House has repeatedly blamed Congress for the large number of executive vacancies, even though President Bush continues to nominate controversial figures who generate bipartisan opposition. Last month, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino charged:

And in addition to that, we have many outstanding nominations that need to be confirmed, both judicial and also throughout the government. And it really is unfortunate that Congress has not moved forward on its obligation to have hearings and to hold votes, because the president has nominated very good people.

One of the most controversial figures is Steven Bradbury, Bush’s nominee to the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel. In 2005, Bradbury authored two secret memos authorizing the CIA to use harsh interrogation techniques against detainees.

Yesterday on the Senate floor, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) revealed that much of the blame for these stalled nominees lies with the President’s insistence that the torture advocate receive a recess appointment.

According to Reid, in December, he met with the White House and agreed to allow more than 84 of the President’s nominees to go through. Bush, however, insisted that unless the Senate agreed to Bradbury’s recess appointment, “he wouldn’t make a deal.” “It’s Brabury, or nobody,” Bush reportedly told Reid................

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