Monday, September 08, 2008

Here's GOVERNOR Sarah Palin, in March of THIS YEAR, addressing the AIP on video

Here's GOVERNOR Sarah Palin, in March of THIS YEAR, addressing the AIP on video, praising them, stating her "delight" to welcome delegates to the 2008 AIP convention, how the party "plays an important role in our state's politics", how she "share[s] your party's vision of upholding the Constitution of 'our great state'", wishing them "good luck on a successful and inspiring convention," and exhorting them to "keep up the good work", finishing with (what else?) "God bless you."


AIP's Motto

Alaska First Alaska Always

According to their site in regards to if they were to gain their independence from the states:

Depending on the form of independence, several forms of citizenship would be possible, including the retention of U.S. citizenship or dual citizenship. However, considering the moral, educational, and economic decay of the U.S., Alaskans' who hold themselves to a higher standard might very well decide to at least maintain an arm's length distance from a country in decline.

They also state in regards to out lower standards military:

The strategic location of Alaska would indicate that it would serve U.S. interests to maintain a presence in Alaska. The military are good neighbors. There would be no compelling reason for the military to leave Alaska.

Keep in mind that their party only makes up 7% of the voting populous of Alaska so they do not have enough power to gain independence from the lower standards of the other 49 states

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