Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Media Matters Daily Summary 03-04-08

Matthews mischaracterized Bill Clinton "fairy tale" quote
Chris Matthews asserted that former President Bill Clinton "made a series of remarks about Barack Obama that turned off many Democrats and may have helped galvanize black voters for Obama." Matthews then aired an abbreviated clip of Clinton's January 7 comments, "This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen," leaving out his preceding comments in which Clinton made clear that he was talking about Obama's statements regarding the Iraq war and not Obama's campaign. Read More

Matthews truncated Clinton's comments, ignored others to repeatedly suggest she gave up "chance to dismiss" Obama rumors
On Hardball, Chris Matthews played clip of a 60 Minutes interview in which Sen. Hillary Clinton said "[o]f course not" when asked if she believed false rumors that Sen. Barack Obama is a Muslim. However, Matthews ignored that statement and other comments Clinton made in the interview, instead highlighting the fact that at one point Clinton said "as far as I know" and repeatedly suggesting that Clinton had left Obama's religious beliefs in doubt. Read More

Luntz falsely claimed Obama has no foreign policy experience
On Fox News, Frank Luntz told a focus group regarding Sen. Barack Obama: "But let's face it. He doesn't have foreign policy experience. He hasn't run a government, he hasn't run a business. Doesn't that concern you?" In fact, Obama is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has traveled to numerous countries while senator, and sponsored foreign policy-related bills. Read More

USA Today allowed McCain to tout environmental record, chances for win in CA without noting LCV score, poll
USA Today reported that Sen. John McCain has said he "want[s] to compete in California," and that McCain "say[s] his outlook on such issues as the environment will be a help in the traditionally blue state." But the article did not note that McCain trails both Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama by more than 20 points in the most recent state poll or that McCain has a lifetime score of 24 percent from the League of Conservation Voters (LCV). USA Today published similar articles about the strategy of the Republican nominees in 1996 and 2000 -- elections in which the Democratic candidate defeated the Republican candidate in California by double digits. Read More

AP quoted McCain's answer to Renzi resignation question, but didn't note Renzi is former McCain campaign co-chairman
An Associated Press article reported that Sen. John McCain was asked "whether Republican Rep. Rick Renzi should resign from office," but the article did not note that McCain named Renzi a co-chairman of his presidential campaign in Arizona months after it was reported that Renzi was under federal investigation. Read More

Olbermann awarded O'Reilly "Worst Person" "bronze" for asserting "there's no difference" between Arianna Huffington, Goebbels
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann awarded Bill O'Reilly the "bronze" in his nightly "Worst Person in the World" segment for O'Reilly's claim that, in Olbermann's words, "there's no difference between Arianna Huffington and Joseph Goebbels." Read More

Fox News reporter, host baselessly claimed Obama bought land from Rezko at a "discounted price"
On The Live Desk, Steve Brown and Greta Van Susteren both baselessly asserted that Sen. Barack Obama purchased land adjoining his Chicago home from Antoin Rezko at a "discounted price." In fact, Obama paid $104,500 for the land, substantially more than what an Obama spokesman reportedly said was the land's appraised value. Read More

O'Reilly said question of whether humans are causing global warming is "all guesswork"
Responding to a viewer's email about whether the current global warming "scare" is "natural" or "man-made," Fox News' Bill O'Reilly asserted: "It's all guesswork." Contrary to O'Reilly's assertion, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has concluded that the Earth is warming and human activity is very likely responsible for most of that warming. Read More

On Hardball and in Politico, Roger Simon misrepresented Clinton's comments on Obama's religion
On Hardball, the Politico's Roger Simon falsely suggested that "the last thing [Sen. Hillary Clinton] said" during a recent interview on 60 Minutes when asked whether she believed Sen. Barack Obama is a Muslim was: "No, there is nothing to base that on, as far as I know." In fact, Clinton went on to say, "I have been the target of so many ridiculous rumors. I have a great deal of sympathy for anybody who gets ... smeared with the kind of rumors that go on all the time." In his column, Simon wrote of Clinton's "as far as I know" comment, "Doesn't that just continue a smear?" Read More

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