Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Social Conservative Groups Mostly Silent On Robertson Endorsement

Michael Roston

Pat Robertson's endorsement this morning of Rudy Giuliani has been met with virtual radio silence from social conservative groups.

A spokeswoman at the Christian Coalition said that Robertson had made the endorsement "in his personal capacity" and so the group wasn't commenting. A spokesman at Focus On The Family similarly told us, "Anything about Pat Robertson we're not talking about." The group's leader, Rev. James Dobson, had warned last month that Christian groups might pick a third party candidate to represent social conservatives if Giuliani was nominated to head the Republican ticket.

Similarly, OneNewsNow, a news website linked to the Christian Coalition of America, published an article headlined "Pro-Family leaders mum on Robertson's endorsement of Rudy." It noted, "OneNewsNow contacted several pro-family leaders to get their reaction to the Robertson endorsement. Some did not return calls, while others said they did not want to comment."

Still, OneNewsNow's Jim Brown was able to find "a close personal friend of Robertson" who "believes the endorsement is "tragic," and that if Giuliani wins the nomination, it "will destroy the Republican Party." So you have to imagine they'll be speaking out in some way soon.

1 comment:

Jeff Johnson said... is the website of the American Family News Network, which has more than 1200 broadcast, print, and online affiliates in 45 U.S. states and 11 other countries. AFN is an independent division of the American Family Association and is not, in any way, connected to the Christian Coalition of America. Thank you. Jeff Johnson, editor,