Monday, May 23, 2005

Galloway in Washington

"I hope you will not dismiss as exaggeration my saying this about British MP George Galloway's appearance to defend himself against a lazy and cowardly American smear of his ethics. U.S. politicians do drone on, especially hacks like Minnesota's mumble-mouse Republican senator Norman Coleman, who looks, as do all politicians who've had surgery and skin-sanding, like Frankenstein's monster, something manufactured.But even the feeblest British MPs of any stripe don't mumble.

Britons, despite decades of eating their own education system, still speak in complete sentences with immaculate grammar. They select syntax that assassinates and have an icy grasp of their facts.Furthermore, Mr. Galloway is a Scot. They thunder well. It was like Braveheart going to Washington, like listening to comedian Billy Connolly go on one of his genuine rants.

Scots go for the jugular.This is why all British prime ministers sweat and tremble at Question Period. These senators were dumb enough not to know that a fusillade of words was aimed at their heads, words that would shame and frighten them, as you could see from their nervous smiles." CONT

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