Friday, April 04, 2008

Putin fires a parting shot at Bush

RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin last night let fly at one of his last meetings with his US counterpart, George W.Bush, saying some NATO countries had demonised Moscow and failed to reward Russia for helping end the Cold War.

A source in the Russian delegation to the NATO summit in Bucharest said Mr Putin - who is due to hold talks with Mr Bush at the Black Sea port of Sochi early today - challenged US policy towards Iran and said the Islamic republic should be helped to emerge from isolation, instead of being threatened.

In his address to the 26 heads of state and government leaders, Mr Putin also attacked NATO leaders for forcing Moscow to accept enlargement of the alliance into the former Soviet bloc.

"Some went as far as total demonisation of Russia and can't get away from this even now. Some began to talk about imperial ambitions," Mr Putin said in his address to NATO leaders in the Romanian capital.

Mr Putin said Russia had peacefully withdrawn from Eastern Europe after the Soviet collapse and "of course expected something in return. But this didn't come.".....

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