Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday's Sex News 04-18-08

  • Men prefer promiscuous faces

    Research shows that men are attracted to women who they perceive as being open to short-term relationships

  • Having sex with flowers

    Some flowers trick male insects into having sex with them, possible because they don't know what a female looks like

  • Actress caught topless

    Actress Sienna Miller has been photographed topless on a hotel balcony [photos]

  • British sex scandals

    The British seem to do their sex scandals in style, from the recent boss of Formula One and his orgies, to politicians and their prostitutes

  • Economics professor teaches sex

    An economics prof at Memorial University has decided to start given sex lecturers [More]

  • How movies distort romance

    Krysta Fitzpatrick explains how the movies romanticize sex, where it's always hot and passionate, and no fear of pregnancy or disease

  • Marilyn Monroe sex film surfaces and sinks

    A 15-minute film clip reported to show the sex symbol performing oral sex on JFK has been sold at auction for $1.5m, by a man who says he has no plans on making it public

  • Naughty store magazine headlines

    You're standing at the checkout when your 8-year-old looks at Cosmopolitan magazine, and asks what an orgasm is

  • How to reproduce without sex

    Only about 2000 of the world's species can reproduce asexually, including the bdelloid whose eggs do not require fertilization

  • Thailand bans castration

    Thailand has told clinics to stop performing cosmetic castrations, and operation usually performed on Thailand's ladyboys

  • The ghosts of relationships past

    The memories of our ex lovers can have a significant affect on our current relationship and sex life

  • From G-spot to U-Spot

    Not contents with trying to find their G-spot and A-spot, there are suggestions that women have a new erogenous zone, the U-spot

  • The adultery capital of the world?

    The French apparently, are quite tolerant of extra-marital affairs, but what constitutes infidelity, and which country is most adulterous?

  • Pink viagra for women?

    Pharmaceutical companies are still trying to find a sexual dysfunction pill for women, that will make the first company to mark very rich

  • Why some religions reject gay sex

    When Judaism and Christianity rejected homosexuality, it caused a revolution in the Western World

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