Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Red Mosque 'cleared of militants'


The Pakistani army says it has cleared a mosque compound in Islamabad of militants, a day after commandos stormed the complex.

Troops have found 73 bodies at the scene, officials said.

Previous estimates suggested 50 people inside the Red Mosque were killed, and that 10 soldiers also died.

One of the mosque's militant clerics, Abdul Rashid Ghazi, and some of his supporters, were among those who died.

The compound was besieged by troops for a week amid rising tension between radical students and the government.

Students at the mosque and its attached religious schools had waged a campaign for months pressing for the adoption of strict Islamic Sharia law...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re: Crazed militants in The Red Mosque.
Glad the rabid mammals have been dispatched to Hades where they so rightly belong. Crazed animals must be put down.