Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Kuwait tells U.S. to talk to Iran, Syria

KUWAIT CITY - Kuwait's emir told Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that Washington should talk to Syria and Iran to improve the situation in Iraq, the Kuwaiti foreign minister said Wednesday.

Sheik Mohammed Al Sabah told reporters that when Rice met Kuwait's emir, Sheik Sabah Al Ahmed Al Sabah, on Tuesday, she had spoken of the "the difficulties facing the Iraqi government in imposing security, and (difficulties caused by) outside interference."

"That is why his highness (the emir) stressed the importance of a dialogue with (Iraq's) neighbors, and the importance that there is no estrangement between them and America," Sheik Mohammed said.

He quoted the emir as telling Rice it was important to have a "dialogue with Syria, in particular, and with Iran in the interest of Gulf security in general."

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