Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Unbelievable!! The Repukitans Criticize $81.9 Billion Spending Bill !!!

The White House request for $81.9 billion in emergency money, mostly to finance military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, is drawing increasing criticism from leading Republicans on Capitol Hill, who say it includes too much extraneous spending and should be pared back.
Ordinarily, a bill to pay for wartime operations would be sacrosanct among members of the president's party.

But the so-called supplemental spending bill also includes other expenditures, like relief for tsunami-stricken nations and aid to the Palestinian Authority.
The bill was the main point of contention Tuesday at a Senate Budget Committee hearing, where several Republicans sharply questioned Paul D. Wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of defense, about why the measure included money for items that, they said, are not directly related to military operations.

Mr. Wolfowitz urged Congress to approve the package, saying it was made up of "one-time expenditures."
But in interviews after the hearing, some of the Senate's most prominent Republicans said they had concerns about the measure.

"I think it's too much money, and too much of it is not urgent or supplemental," said Senator Trent Lott, a Mississippi Republican. Cont.

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