While many Americans will spend Sept. 11 remembering the people killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, others will presumably take the occasion to revisit their preferred conspiracy theories regarding them.
But rather than do so here, it seemed like a good moment to focus instead on radio host Alex Jones — who is arguably the most prominent proponent of the argument that the attack was an “inside job.” Not because of his insulting remarks toward women, or his dating site for fellow “freedom lovers,” or his worries that immigrants will eventually enslave his fellow Americans, but because of his own contributions to the conspiracy theory “field.”
That is, unless he’s a false flag himself.
But here are some Jones theories that particularly stand out:
1. Taylor Swift loves bacteria poop
When the pop and country star announced two years ago that she would be endorsing Diet Coke, Jones quickly asked her to reconsider, saying it was not worth her soul to hawk a drink that was the byproduct of a Pentagon study meant to engineer e-coli bacteria.“In essence, Taylor Swift is telling us, she loves genetically-modified bacteria poop,” Jones fretted.
2. Harry Reid was behind the ‘false flag’ fatal shooting of Las Vegas cops
Of the several shootings that he has declared “false flags,” the deaths of Officers Igor Soldo and Alyn Beck last June might have hit closer to home for Jones, considering that the shooters, Jerad and Amanda Miller, were apparently fans of his.Jerad Miller posted on Jones’ website, InfoWars, describing himself as “a wild coyote” and vowing to die rather than be arrested. Amanda Miller would follow her husband’s wishes, shooting first him and then herself following a shootout with authorities after killing the two officers.
On his show, Jones blamed CIA “cutouts” sent by the government for the shootings, arguing that it was staged by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) in response to the standoff instigated by rancher Cliven Bundy against federal authorities.
“Harry Reid comes out and says we’re going to do something about this, these are domestic terrorists at the Bundy ranch, everybody needs to be arrested,” Jones said at the time. “I told you they’ve been building this behind the scenes, now they’re rolling it out.”
3. Atheists aren’t really atheists — they’re “occultists”
In 2012, Jones argued that his study of groups funding atheists revealed that they are actually run by “occultists.” Atheists, in turn, are led to believe that “humans are parasites.” And furthermore, they are actually Satanists.“We’ve got a lot of atheists and agnostics listening. Even if they don’t believe in God, the point is, as a scientific historical fact, the elites do — and they believe in Satan and destruction and blood,” he argued.
A montage of some of his remarks on the matter can be seen below:
4. Same-sex marriage is a eugenics plot
Jones, who identifies himself as a libertarian, has argued at times that he is not against marriage equality because of those principles. But as the Southern Poverty Law Center noted, he has also insisted that there is a sinister purpose behind promoting it as a civil right.“Clearly, from the eugenicist/globalist view — and they’ve written textbooks on it, you can look them up — they want to encourage the breakdown of the family, because the family is where people owe their allegiance,” he told a Catholic blog in 2013. “That’s why they want to get rid of God. Not because they’re atheists, but because they want the state to be God.”
5. The government is creating gay people
Speaking of gay people, the government apparently doesn’t just want them getting married in order to reduce the population; Jones argued in 2010 that the government itself is manufacturing the gay people.“I have the government documents where they said they’re going to encourage homosexuality so people don’t have children,” he boasted. The key, he said, was an estrogen-mimicking material hidden in juice boxes.
“After you’re done drinking your little juices, well, I mean, you’re ready to go out and have a baby,” Jones said
after cutting open a juice box on the air. “You’re ready to put makeup on. You’re ready to wear a short skirt. You’re ready to go, you know, put together a, you know, garden of roses or something. You’re ready to put lipstick on.”
6. Fear the weather wizards
Jones expanded his range in the wake of the fatal tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma in May 2013, telling a caller, “Of course there’s weather stuff going on.”
He also claimed that the Air Force was the actual cause of a reported tornado in Texas that killed “thirty-something people in one night,” though he did not outright blame the government for the twister in Moore, saying the key was whether people would report spotting helicopters and small aircraft “spraying things” in the clouds.
“If you saw that, you better bet your bottom dollar they did this, but who knows if they did,” he said. “You know, that’s the thing, we don’t know.”
BONUS: “Alex Jones” is actually Bill Hicks
OK, this theory isn’t by Jones, but it’s about him. And as Texas Monthly reported last November, it threatens to blow the whole lid off of Jones’ public persona if true. (It is not true.)The theory, according to a 33-minute “expose” posted online, goes that the person known publicly as Alex Jones is actually a secret identity given to comedian Bill Hicks by the CIA. Hicks’ death in 1994 was actually — you guessed it — a false flag in this scenario.
As proof, the filmmakers post pictures of Hicks and Jones side-by-side, arguing that the “distinct characteristics of the two top central incisors, the bottom right cuspid and the bottom right incisor” make it obvious that the two are the same person. A photo from the video can be seen below:

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