Monday, April 04, 2011

Arkansas Sets Fire To Devil NPR Station

An unknown arsonist broke into the transmitter building of NPR affiliate KUAR in Little Rock on Saturday and briefly liberated the slave state’s airwaves from such Devil’s programming as jazz “music” (no banjos?) and Garrison Keillor. “Saturday around 5:30 p.m., the KUAR transmitter went off the air.

Nathan Vandiver, who was on duty, notified Tom Rusk, who headed to the transmitter site. Tom arrived just before 6 p.m. to find smoke coming from the building. He also discovered that the padlock on the transmitter building door had been forcibly removed and another lock placed on one of the other padlocks on the door.”

Despite this angel’s heroic attempts to burn down the big-words rade-yuh station and keep the union thug firefighters out of the smoldering librul smut, KUAR is now back on the air. And that has a certain God VERY upset. READ MORE »

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