Monday, April 04, 2011

Maine GOP Senators Denounce Republican Governor’s Scorn of Labor

By Sarah Jones

The incoming Republican governors have made a Republican PR disaster for the party with their scorn and contempt for labor and the entire middle class, much like Sarah Palin does every time she opens her mouth. Republicans hope you all forget how they used these folks as weapons of mass destruction to destroy your financial security while sowing the seeds of hatred and disrespect for anyone who isn’t worshiping their Corporate God $.

While we watch the national party elitists back away from Palin (whom just two years ago they touted as a rising star), we are now watching the state Republicans distance themselves from their extremist, disrespectful governors. A little too late in some cases, as in Wisconsin, where it can be argued that looming recalls and not integrity are the driving force of the sudden Scott cooties as state Republicans fall over themselves to issue press statements that they can’t support Walker’s extremist positions and that he didn’t run on these things, etc. Yada yada, people, you voted for the anti-union bill – where were your convictions then?

But Maine state Senators have put out a statement denouncing the disrespect Governor Le Page is showing unions and working people. Maine has been home to many reasonable Republicans, in fact, the last bastion of respectable Republicans in many cases, and for that reason it’s important to acknowledge their statement, because this is what we should be seeing from national Republicans on the birther issue, the workers rights issue, the racism and the demonizing of “liberals”......

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