Monday, April 04, 2011

Scott Walker Pays $81.5K Gov’t Salary to Drunk-Driving Loser Son of Crony

When your corporation needs to take care of some troublesome “environmental and regulatory matters” in Wisconsin, heh heh, just go see the dumb kid who never graduated college but did manage two DUI convictions, because that dumb kid is earning $81,5000 a year as one of Governor Scott Walker’s top-paid people in the administration.

But how did this young GOP idiot, Brian Deschane, get such a sweet job suckling on the public teat? Easy! According to the Journal Sentinel’s Daniel Bice, Brian Deschane’s father is “Jerry Deschane, executive vice president and longtime lobbyist for the Madison-based Wisconsin Builders Association, which bet big on Walker during last year’s governor’s race.” Haha, now that’s the kind of contribution that really pays off! READ MORE »

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