Friday, February 18, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 02-18-11

In First Appearance As CNN Contributor, Dana Loesch Misinforms Viewers On Health Care Reform
Recently-minted CNN contributor Dana Loesch claimed that breast pumps will be subject to the "massive excise tax" on medical devices under the health care reform law. In fact, the law exempts medical devices that are "generally purchased by the general public at retail for individual use." Read More

Fox Celebrates Stimulus Anniversary By Ignoring Nonpartisan Estimates Of Its Impact
Fox marked the two-year anniversary of the enactment of President Obama's economic recovery package by attacking the bill and ignoring independent estimates, which have found that the stimulus significantly boosted gross domestic product and employment. Read More

Laura Ingraham Grossly Misrepresents Planned Parenthood's Budget
Laura Ingraham claimed on Fox News that "Planned Parenthood makes most of its money from the abortion procedure" and "without the abortion services, Planned Parenthood is basically out of business." In fact, abortion services make up less than 15 percent of Planned Parenthood's annual revenue. Read More

Fox Falsely Blames Public Unions For WI Budget Shortfall
In response to public worker protests in Wisconsin, Fox News has repeatedly blamed public unions for the state's budget shortfall. In fact, the state's current budget shortfall is reportedly due in part to GOP Gov. Scott Walker's tax policies. Read More

Fox Slams WI Protests But Cheered Tea Party Protests
Fox News' coverage of the Wisconsin protests over Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to eliminate public employees' collective bargaining rights, among other things, has been marked with repeated attacks on the protesters. However, by contrast, Fox has relentlessly promoted and even encouraged viewers to participate in tea party and "Tax Day" protests over the past few years. Read More

Who Is Raymond Ruddy, Lila Rose's Funder?
Raymond Ruddy funded Live Action's latest videos maligning Planned Parenthood. Ruddy has previously smeared Obama as an infanticide supporter and promoted fringe views on birth control, sex-education and reproductive rights. He also maintained a cozy and profitable relationship with the Bush administration. Read More

Beck Echoes Joel Richardson: Warns Of Antichrist, Caliphate Led By Turkey
In addition to endorsing author and anti-Muslim activist Joel Richardson's attempts to link Islam to the Antichrist, Glenn Beck also echoed Richardson's views linking Turkey to a purported future Islamic caliphate. Read More

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