Friday, February 18, 2011

Bailey book: Manuscript about Palin leaked

From Sean Cockerham in Anchorage –

The unpublished manuscript of a book by Sarah Palin’s former close aide, Frank Bailey, has been leaked to the press along with an e-mail from a book agent touting dirt Bailey says he has on Palin.

Here’s part of the leaked pitch for the book made by Carol Mann of the Mann Agency in New York:

“In BLIND ALLEGIANCE TO SARAH PALIN: A Memoir of our Tumultuous Years, Bailey explores such key events as Palin’s gubernatorial victory, Troopergate, illegal coordination with the Republican Governor’s Association, never-before-revealed scandals such as a judicial appointment as payoff for a favorable child custody ruling for Palin’s sister, the vice presidential campaign and the bizarre vetting process, and Palin’s resignation.”

Mann told the Daily News that she wasn’t the one who leaked the pitch or the book manuscript.

“Who sent it to you and why? It is not a finished draft and there isn't a pub date yet!,” Mann said in an email.

Bailey’s book, entitled “Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin," was co-written with Ken Morris, described as a former Wall Street executive, and Jeanne Devon, who publishes the anti-Palin web site Mudflats.

We're going through the book and will be posting reports in separate posts here on the Alaska Politics blog.

For those who don’t remember Frank Bailey, he was the “Troopergate” figure who was Palin’s close aide and director of boards and commissions.

He's best known for calling a state trooper lieutenant and complaining about trooper Mike Wooten (Palin’s ex-brother-in-law), saying Palin and her husband couldn’t understand why Wooten still had a job.

Bailey also was the subject of a separate ethics investigation into whether improper influence was used to win a state job for a Palin campaign supporter. Bailey had an "improper motivation" to get the supporter a job, concluded investigator Tim Petumenos, who recommended Bailey get ethics training.

He apparently now “runs a small coffee-stand business,” according to Mann's pitch.

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