Thursday, February 10, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 02-10-11

Beck Follows Goldberg In Cropping Quote About Mussolini, Misattributes It To NY Times
Following in the footsteps of Jonah Goldberg, Glenn Beck has repeatedly taken a quote from a 1923 New York Times article out of context and portrayed the newspaper as praising Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. In fact, the Times was quoting a magazine writer, and immediately following the portion of the quote Beck and Goldberg repeated, the writer called Mussolini "a danger to the peace of Europe." Read More

Fox's Bush Rehab Tour: Rumsfeld Edition
Fox News has trumpeted former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's assertion that "our intelligence community and the entire community concluded that [Saddam Hussein] had" weapons of mass destruction prior to the Iraq war. In fact, numerous reports indicate that contradictory intelligence was either ignored or politicized by the Bush administration. Read More

Right-Wing Media Begin Closing Ranks Against GOProud In CPAC Feud
Following GOProud's invitation to participate in the annual conservative conference CPAC, many social conservatives objected, with several groups--including the Heritage Foundation and the Media Research Center--vowing to boycott the event, in part because of gay conservative group's inclusion. As CPAC begins, many in the right-wing media have taken sides against GOProud. Read More

Breitbart's Pigford Report: Distortions And Shady Sourcing
In December, Andrew Breitbart published a report, "The Pigford Shakedown," that purported to reveal the "massive fraud" and "widespread corruption" supposedly tainting a settlement intended to compensate to black farmers who had faced discrimination from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Breitbart's report, which is intended to form the basis for a congressional investigation, is laden with distortions, questionable sourcing, and sloppy errors. Read More

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