Thursday, February 10, 2011

How OBAMA checkmated the GOP on jobs

Obama Tax Deal Left GOP Without Jobs and Unemployment Answers

President Obama caught a lot of flack, particularly from the left, for the tax deal he cut with Republicans in December, extending the Bush tax cuts in exchange for, among other things, an extension of unemployment benefits. Progressives accused Obama of caving to the right and while I disagreed on balance, it still remains to be seen how the repercussions from the deal play out in terms of future negotiations.

But one (perhaps unintended, perhaps intended) consequence seems to be emerging as Democrats start to hammer the jobs message: The deal seems to have taken away one of the GOP’s main talking points on the jobs and unemployment issue.

Congressional Democrats have started lashing House Republicans about their lack of focus on jobs, noting that the new majority’s first few acts have been sops toward the base like healthcare repeals and a raft of abortion-restricting provisions. Wednesday Democrats launched a “When Are the Jobs?” website. [Read Robert Schlesinger: GOP Falling Into the Same Healthcare Trap That Snared Democrats].................................

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