Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fox News Hit Man Jesse Watters Won’t Deny Fox ‘Makes Stuff Up


This week, Media Matters reported that an unnamed former “Fox News insider” confirmed once again the network’s aversion to the truth in the name of promoting the Republican Party. “I don’t think people would believe it’s as concocted as it is; that stuff is just made up,” the former insider said. Fox News’ “M.O. [is] to undermine the administration and to undermine Democrats,” said the source. “They’re a propaganda outfit but they call themselves news.” ThinkProgress ran into Fox News ambusher-in-chief Jesse Watters at CPAC this week and wanted to know what he thought about Media Matters’ report. However, Watters wouldn’t comment.

Instead, he tried to divert the issue by attempting to belittle ThinkProgress’ “ambush” skills (yes, admittedly, we didn’t stalk Watters to a vacation spot with his significant other) and trying to give us some advice. “You’re just kind of, a little JV,” Watters said on the defensive. While ThinkProgress repeatedly tried to get comment from Watters, he still refused to answer. However, at one point, he seemed to take offense at a slight brush on his sport jacket, saying, “Watch my blazer, bro.” ................................

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