Friday, February 11, 2011

Former Fox News employee: ‘Stuff is just made up’


A former employee of Fox News called the company a "propaganda outfit" that is determined to undermine the Obama administration and Democrats.

"I don't think people would believe it’s as concocted as it is; that stuff is just made up," the employee, whose name was kept anonymous, told the liberal media watchdog group Media Matters.

"They say one thing and do another," the former employee said. "They insist on maintaining this charade, this façade, that they’re balanced or that they’re not right-wing extreme propagandist."

"You have to work there for a while to understand the nods and the winks," the former employee added. "And God help you if you don’t because sooner or later you’re going to get burned."

The former employee's comments did not come as a surprise to many critics of Fox News, who have long suggested the channel is biased in favor of conservatives. The 2004 documentary film "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" criticized the channel and its owner, Rupert Murdoch, for skewing its reporting of events to promote conservative viewpoints..........................................

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