Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Michele Bachmann, who has labeled the spending package a failure, quietly tried to steer funds to her district.

WASHINGTON - Rep. Michele Bachmann has railed loudly against the federal economic stimulus package passed by Congress last winter, labeling it a failure and making the $787 billion legislation a campaign issue.

But that didn't stop Bachmann from quietly trying to steer stimulus money into her district, according to a new report.

The Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit investigative journalism organization, released a report Monday listing Republicans and conservative Democrats who opposed the stimulus package but nonetheless sought funds for their home districts stemming directly from the bill.

In Minnesota, Republican Reps. Bachmann, Erik Paulsen and John Kline -- who all voted against the bill -- wrote letters requesting money for stimulus-funded projects, according to documents obtained by the center under the federal Freedom of Information Act.........

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