Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 10-19-10

Beck smears Soros for holding position economists have said can help the economy
In his latest conspiracy theory, Glenn Beck claimed that George Soros supports a devalued dollar for the sole purpose of "betting against America" for personal profit. In fact, many economists -- including Nobel laureate Paul Krugman -- have said that a weakened dollar can provide economic benefits. Read More

"Party on!" Fox relentlessly promotes Tea Party Express tour
Despite Rupert Murdoch's statement that he doesn't think Fox "should be supporting the tea party," Fox News and Fox Business have relentlessly promoted the Tea Party Express in recent days, devoting numerous segments to the launch of its latest tour as well as hosting its chairman for softball interviews. Read More

Not net neutral: News Corp. blocked website access for Cablevision subscribers
As part of its dispute with Cablevision over fees for carrying News Corp. channels on Cablevision systems, News Corp. briefly blocked Cablevision's Internet customers from accessing content on News Corp.-owned websites, including Fox content on Hulu.com. This action mirrors its Fox News employees' vehement opposition to net neutrality rules, which would prevent business interests from controlling access to Internet content. Read More

I Want the Facts: Ray Griggs' I Want Your Money reviewed
In his documentary I Want Your Money, filmmaker Ray Griggs employs an all-star cast of right-wing misinformation propagators who fill the film with long-parroted and thoroughly debunked conservative myths about U.S. economic history and President Obama's economic policies. Read More

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