Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 09-29-10

Fox & Friends completely wrong on measures to stimulate the economy
Reporting on proposals to extend a stimulus program which benefited unemployed workers, Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson quoted Republicans to ask "when will the Obama administration turn off government spending and extend tax cuts to stimulate the private sector?" But economists agree that programs such as extending unemployment insurance have a far greater stimulative effect on the economy than extending the tax cuts, which may damage the economy in the long run. Read More

He "deserve[s] a Pulitzer": Right-wing media previously showered O'Keefe with praise
James O'Keefe made a name for himself in 2009 with his deceptively edited, secretly recorded, and now discredited ACORN videos. Since then, he has pleaded guilty to entering Sen. Mary Landrieu's Louisiana office under false pretenses. Now reports say that O'Keefe attempted to "punk" a CNN reporter by luring her onto a boat "filled with sexually explicit props" and recording the encounter. Media Matters looks back at the praise conservatives have previously heaped on O'Keefe. Read More

The Lies of James O'Keefe
CNN reports that conservative activist James O'Keefe attempted to "punk" a CNN reporter by luring her onto a boat "filled with sexually explicit props" and recording the encounter, a charge O'Keefe denies. If true, the alleged deception would be the latest in a string of lies and falsehoods O'Keefe has used to push his ideological agenda. Read More

Conservatives respond to alleged O'Keefe seduction "prank"
Conservative media figures have begun to speak out about CNN's report that James O'Keefe planned to "seduce" and publicly humiliate CNN reporter Abbie Bourdeau. A number of conservatives have condemned O'Keefe, while Tim Graham of NewsBusters used the story as an opportunity to attack CNN. Read More

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