Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 09-28-10

Fox wrongly blames increased health care costs on health care reform
Fox & Friends falsely suggested that a projected 12 percent increase in out-of-pocket health care costs for the coming year was due to provisions of health care reform. In fact, as the Chicago Tribune reported, the increase of costs is primarily due to advances in medical technology and changes in the workforce demographics due to the economic downturn. Read More

Obama is right: Fox News promoting "destructive" GOP agenda
In a recent Rolling Stone interview, President Obama said Fox News is part of the tradition of using the press "very intentionally to promote their viewpoints" because Fox "has a very clear, undeniable point of view" that "is ultimately destructive for the long-term growth" of the country. Indeed, Fox has a long history of actively promoting the Republican agenda and of opposing economic positions which economists say would stimulate growth. Read More

The right-wing media's selective outrage over Nazi references
Right-wing media have criticized comments by NAACP President Ben Jealous in which he discussed "all the hatred" in the media and said that "this is too much like the period before Kristallnacht." But right-wing media figures have a long history of attacking progressives by comparing them and their policies to Adolf Hitler, Nazis, or Nazi-era Germany.
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Glenn Beck's Apocalypse for Dummies
Glenn Beck has said that he is "not a prophet," but he "can see what's coming at us" and "we've never fought anything like the perfect storm that is coming to shore." Media Matters compiles Beck's advice on how to survive the "cataclysmic change" headed our way. Read More

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