Monday, January 11, 2010

Blue Dog Dem Rep. Boren: Democratic losses in November would be a ‘good thing for Oklahoma and for me.’


Blue Dog Democrat Rep. Dan Boren (OK) predicted yesterday that his party will lose seats in this November’s election, and possibly lose control of the House. But Oklahoma’s only Democrat in Congress wasn’t worried about the potential losses, seeing big gains for himself. Democratic setbacks would a “good thing for Oklahoma and for me,” he told the Tulsa World:

“If we have a tight majority one way or another, that puts me in the driver’s seat,” the three-term lawmaker said.

“In the 112th (Congress), I probably will have the most influence I have ever had, no matter who has the majority.”

Describing a Republican takeover of the House as a “tall order” for the GOP, Boren said his party, even if it retains the majority in a new Congress that convenes in 2011, will be forced back toward the center politically.

Boren voted against both health care reform and cap-and-trade, and vowed to oppose health reform again when it comes back to the floor for a final vote. Citing the party’s low popularity in his district, Boren said, “The Democratic Party has done it to itself.” Still, Boren promised, “I would never switch parties.”

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