Monday, July 06, 2009

Sarah Palin's Media Stalker Greta Van Susteren is Stunned that Palin Quit

Crooks and Liars

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Greta Van Susteren, FOX News' serial stalker of Sarah Palin, was in shock over the announcement that Palin quit her job. When asked about what this means, she said...

Greta:...It's hard to tell if she's giving up or gearing up and that I don't know...

Greta whined about all the ethics complaints that were filed against Sarah Palin and said that she could get disheartened. Really? She QUIT her job and quit on the people of Alaska. She's proved that she's unfit for duty. And it's not only me saying it.

Some Republican strategists expressed skepticism about Palin's decision. "I'm not smart enough to see the strategy in this," said John Weaver, a senior party strategist. "Good point guards don't quit and walk off the court."

If she can't handle criticism from bloggers, then how could she handle al-Qaeda? And conservatives like Greta should stop complaining about attacks on her and her family because they started the trend by holding her family out as public political props, and have never stopped. I'm not condoning the personal attacks in any way -- we avoided them at C&L and kept our criticism focused on her abilities (or lack thereof) and her public behavior as a candidate and a public official. It's up to you to decide how she's been treated.

But conservatives are total hypocrites on this issue and the media allows them to get away with it. They've made their living out of smearing anyone on the left. The Clintons have been subjected to the lowest attacks possible. I haven't seen anyone write widely published books that calls her a lesbian, or have I missed that one? Or that she murdered someone like, oh...Vince Foster.

On the September 19 and 20 broadcasts of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh resurrected his scurrilous suggestion that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) had then-deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster murdered while she was first lady.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. And then we can talk about the scurrilous and wingnutty "birther" attacks on President Obama, but you get my point.

Even Villagers are wondering what she's doing.

In a rambling press conference, the Alaska governor never really explained why this day was better than all other days. If she'd waited three days, she would have owned the news cycle. Perhaps she was declaring early independence?

The larger reason for Palin's early departure was that she was having no fun. Ever since she returned to Alaska from the national stage, being governor has been a chore. Her political opponents have launched 15 ethics charges against her. The state economy has turned sour, and she got into an ugly squabble over federal stimulus funds. It's much more enjoyable to travel the country waving to adoring crowds of GOP on

Her presser was eerily similar to that of disgraced Gov. Mark Sanford. She was rambling on about sports analogies and Abe Lincoln.

Max Blumenthal writes: Did a Scandal Sink the U.S.S. Palin?

Many political observers in Alaska are fixated on rumors that federal investigators have been seizing paperwork from SBS in recent months, searching for evidence that Palin and her husband Todd steered lucrative contracts to the well-connected company in exchange for gifts like the construction of their home on pristine Lake Lucille in 2002. The home was built just two months before Palin began campaigning for governor, a job which would have provided her enhanced power to grant building contracts in the wide-open state.

SBS has close ties to the Palins. The company has not only sponsored Todd Palin's snowmobile team, according to the Village Voice's Wayne Barrett, it hired Sarah Palin to do a statewide television commercial in on

If there's not a scandal brewing, then there's no way she'll stay out of politics. Will she end up hosting FOX & Friends, maybe do a little dancing on ABC?

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