Monday, October 10, 2011

Herman Cain: Tax Poor People’s Food To Finance Massive Tax Break For The Rich


The centerpiece of former pizza czar Herman Cain’s presidential campaign is his “999″ plan, which would slash taxes on the wealthy, drive up deficits to the worst point since World War II, and force low-income Americans to pay a massive nine times their current tax rate. In an interview this morning with CNN’s Candy Crowley, Cain even said food and clothing would not be exempt from the 9 percent national sales tax he would put in place if elected president. Indeed, he said it would be “fair” for a poor person to pay as much in sales taxes as Crowley does:

CROWLEY: Is there any exception, as you see it, in this consumption tax? Except for clothing, perhaps? Except for food? [...]

CAIN: Nope, you don’t have to do that. Nope, you don’t have to do that. [...]

CROWLEY: So a poor person is paying the same amount of taxes on groceries as I am? Does that sound fair to you, just in a vacuum?

CAIN: Yes, it does sound fair because of the other point I’m about to make. If they need to buy a car or a home or some hard goods that are used, they pay no taxes.................

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