Thursday, August 11, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 08-11-11

Fox News Objects To S&P Downgrade Inquiry By Screaming "Witch Hunt"
Fox News personalities have expressed outrage that Congress is reportedly considering investigating Standard & Poor's (S&P) controversial decision to downgrade its U.S. credit rating. But S&P has significant credibility issues, and executives at rating agencies - including S&P - have routinely testified before Congress, including about their role in the Enron scandal and the financial crisis. Read More

Despite WH, Pentagon Denials, Fox Still Hypes Claim That Filmmakers Got "Classified" Info On OBL Raid
Fox & Friends repeatedly hyped the claim that the White House gave filmmakers Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal "access to classified information" to help them produce a film about the operation that killed Osama bin Laden, despite reporting that White House press secretary Jay Carney directly refuted such claims. In fact, the Pentagon has also denied that the filmmakers received classified information, and, moreover, the military regularly provides assistance to filmmakers who follow its guidelines. Read More

Beck Freaks Out Over Federal Proposal To Rent Foreclosed Homes: "That's Communal Housing"
Glenn Beck attacked an Obama administration proposal to turn government-owned foreclosed homes into rental units as a path to "universal housing" and "communal housing," saying, "We're headed down a socialist road where they own everything." The proposal would encourage renting through bulk sales of federally owned property to investors or through joint ventures with the government -- an approach favored by many affordable housing advocates and investors. Read More

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