Monday, August 01, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 08-01-11

Fox Defaulted To Bad Economic Policy During Debt Ceiling Debate
During the debt ceiling debate, Fox has relentlessly pushed economic policies and positions that experts have said would be harmful to the economy, including downplaying default concerns, openly advocating for default and a credit downgrade, and actively lobbying for a balanced budget amendment. Read More

Right-Wing Media Excise "Democrats" Out Of Norah O'Donnell's Statement To Gin Up "Bias"
Right-wing blogs including Andrew Breitbart's website and Fox Nation are dishonestly editing comments made by CBS chief White House correspondent Norah O'Donnell to make up evidence that she is liberally "biased." But the full transcript of O'Donnell's comments makes clear that she was asking the White House to comment on what she hears "Democrats saying," not expressing her personal views. Read More

Attack On DHS Travels From Conspiracy-Monger Alex Jones To Fox News
A story about a Department of Homeland Security video that began at a website operated by radio host Alex Jones and was then covered on Fox News is just the latest example of how Fox has been moving increasingly toward pushing the conspiratorial views of Jones. Read More

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