Thursday, July 07, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 07-07-11

Fox News Cooks Up Campaign Contribution Out Of Fund That Can't Fund Campaigns
Fox News has fabricated the claim that a $10 annual fee approved by the National Education Association (NEA) for the next five years will be used to fund President Obama's re-election campaign. But the fee is intended to combat anti-union ballot initiatives and cannot be used to support campaigns. Read More

Fox Hypes Photo Of One Man Climbing Border Fence To Fearmonger Over Border Security
Fox & Friends repeatedly aired a photo of a man climbing a fence on the Mexican border to fearmonger over border security. However, illegal border crossings have reportedly "sputtered to a trickle," and the Obama administration has taken measures to increase border security; moreover, according to Fox's own reporting, the man shown in the picture was captured by Border Patrol agents. Read More

Fox & Friends Hosts Parade Of GOP Officials Ahead Of Default Crisis Talks
As negotiations over the default crisis continue, over the past two days Fox & Friends has hosted a parade of GOP representatives and officials to advance their talking points about the issue, particularly their claim that the U.S. has a "spending problem," not a "revenue problem." However, numerous economic experts have said that decreased revenue is a major cause of the deficit. Read More

Conservative Media Continue To Claim That ACORN -- Which No Longer Exists -- Is Getting Federal Funds
Fox & Friends and the Daily Caller attacked Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA) for receiving federal money, claiming that "ACORN" is receiving "taxpayer funds" -- despite also noting that the Government Accountability Office determined in September 2010 that AHCOA "is not an affiliate, subsidiary, or allied organization of ACORN." In addition, ACORN no longer exists, having filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in November 2010 and "clos[ed] up shop." Read More

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