Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 05-24-11

Fox Distorts Supreme Court Ruling To Claim Inmates In Overcrowded CA Prisons Will "Get Out Of Jail Free"
Fox News aired several segments claiming that the Supreme Court's May 23 ruling -- which determined that overcrowding in California prisons is so extreme it amounts to "cruel and unusual punishment" -- would result in the state setting "at least 46,000 [prison inmates] free." In fact, state officials have proposed shifting low-level offenders to county jails and other facilities rather than releasing large numbers of prisoners; further, the number of affected inmates is estimated to be about 32,000 or 33,000, not "at least 46,000," as Fox claimed. Read More

Right-Wing Media Predictably Attack Obama For Going To Europe After Tornadoes
Right-wing media have attacked President Obama for traveling to Europe following the tornadoes in Missouri. However, the administration's response to the tornadoes has continued during Obama's trip to Europe, and Missouri officials have praised the administration's response. This follows a long history of right-wing media attacking Obama for focusing on more than one issue at a time during crises and trying to label various crises "Obama's Katrina." Read More

Right-Wing Media Attack Geithner For Staving Off Economic Disaster
Right-wing media have attacked Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner for using federal workers' pension funds to ensure that the government meets its obligations for the short-term while lawmakers and the White House try to reach a deal on raising the debt ceiling. In fact, Geithner's actions are in line with those of the Treasury Department under former Presidents Bush and Clinton, the government is legally required to reimburse the program once the debt limit is increased, and economic disaster could have occurred had Geithner not taken these measures. Read More

Ailes And Beck Agree On Lunatic "Civilian National Security Force" Conspiracy Theory
As Media Matters has documented, Glenn Beck has repeatedly pushed the lunatic theory that, based on a 2008 campaign speech by President Obama calling for a "civilian national security force," Obama wants to create "his own army." It now turns out that Beck's current boss at Fox News, Roger Ailes, has reportedly pushed a similar theory, claiming that Obama proposed a "national police force." Read More

Special Report Whitewashes Expert Criticism To Help Ryan's Medicare Messaging "Sink In"
Fox News host Bret Baier, ignoring experts who have said Rep. Paul Ryan's plan to replace Medicare with vouchers would harm seniors, asked whether Ryan's argument that he is actually defending Medicare is "sinking in" with voters. Read More

Fox Message Testing: Week-Long Series To Label Safety Net Beneficiaries "Takers"
Fox Business is running a week-long attack on the social safety net, including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, labeling beneficiaries of these programs "takers." This messaging comes on the heels of a National Bureau of Economic Research study that concluded that these programs are highly effective at keeping people out of poverty. Read More

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