Friday, April 08, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 04-08-11

Right-Wing Media Falsely Suggest Planned Parenthood Uses Federal Funds For Abortion
Right-wing media have used the ongoing budget standoff to falsely suggest that Republicans want to end funding to Planned Parenthood because the federal funding is used to "provide abortions." However, these reports have failed to note that Planned Parenthood does not and cannot use federal funds to pay for its clinics' abortion services. Read More

Right-Wing Media Trivialize, Dismiss Potential Effects Of A Government Shutdown
Right-wing media have recently trivialized or dismissed the potential effects of a federal government shutdown. However, a shutdown could disrupt the economy and many businesses, cause hundreds of thousands of workers to be furloughed, and disrupt numerous public services. Read More

Right-Wing Media Obscure Fact That Policies -- Not Spending Cuts -- Are Holding Up Budget Agreement
With a possible government shutdown looming, many right-wing media figures have falsely suggested that the negotiations are centered solely on spending. However, according to news reports, conflicts over policies -- such as Republican demands to defund Planned Parenthood and restrict the Environmental Protection Agency's regulatory abilities -- are currently more responsible for the lack of a budget deal. Read More

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