Friday, April 01, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 04-01-11

Wash. Times Rewrites History To Suggest Bush Had UN Support For Iraq Invasion
Following Sean Hannity's lead, The Washington Times falsely suggested that the United Nations supported President Bush's invasion of Iraq. In fact, the U.N. Security Council did not back Bush's invasion of Iraq, and then-Secretary General Kofi Annan suggested the invasion was "illegal." Read More

Conservative Media Still Misleading On Deepwater Drilling Moratorium
Members of the right-wing media have distorted the administration's policies in the wake of the BP oil spill, claiming that President Obama shut down all drilling and production in the Gulf of Mexico. In fact, the temporary moratorium on drilling in the Gulf only applied to new deepwater wells and did not affect the thousands of wells already producing oil and gas. Read More

Right-Wing Media Smear McDermott; Claim He Called The Constitution "Silly"
The right-wing media have seized on an eight-second video clip of Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) to claim he called the Constitution "silly." In fact, McDermott was criticizing Republicans for not focusing on "job creation" in favor of doing "silly" things like reading the Constitution on the House floor. Read More

Hypocrites: Fox Said Media Was "Intent On Undermining" Bush During Iraq, But Now Attacks Obama In Libya
Many times during the Iraq war, Fox News came to the defense of President Bush, arguing that those critical of the war were "aiding the terrorists" and "undermining" the president. Yet in the past several weeks, Fox has gone all out in attacking Obama for the U.S. military presence in Libya, often painting the operations there as "not [going] well" and criticizing Obama's leadership. Read More

New Black Panthers Fabulists: Everyone Who Disagrees With Us Is A "Militant" "Partisan" "Leftist"
J. Christian Adams and Hans Von Spakovsky, the chief proponents of the New Black Panther Party manufactured scandal, have branded as "uber-political" "militant leftist partisan[s]," "hyper-Democratic loyalist[s]," and "liberal ideologues" those who disagree with their interpretation of the Justice Department's handling of the case. This is ironic given their own partisan and ideological records. Read More

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