Sunday, March 20, 2011

Walker Ally On Wisconsin Supreme Court Calls State’s First Female Justice A ‘Bitch’


Newly released emails reveal that Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser, a close Republican ally of anti-worker Gov. Scott Walker (R), erupted in rage at his colleague Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson during a contentious discussion early last year:

As the deeply divided state Supreme Court wrestled over whether to force one member off criminal cases last year, Justice David Prosser exploded at Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson behind closed doors, calling her a “bitch” and threatening to “destroy” her. [...]

“In the context of this, I said, ‘You are a total bitch,’ ” Prosser said.

“I probably overreacted, but I think it was entirely warranted. … They (Abrahamson and Justice Ann Walsh Bradley) are masters at deliberately goading people into perhaps incautious statements. This is bullying and abuse of very, very long standing.”

In additional to being Chief Justice, Abrahamson is the first woman to sit on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Prior to joining the court, Prosser was the Republican Speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly. His reelection campaign recently promised that he would “protect[] the conservative judicial majority and act[] as a common sense complement” to Gov. Walker if he is reelected.

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