Thursday, March 17, 2011

SURPRISE: U.S. Wants More Than Just a No-Fly Zone In Libya!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Let’s celebrate by bombing Libya: “The U.S. ambassador to the U.N. raised the possibility of ‘going beyond a no-fly zone,’” but didn’t specify when the United States would save all the oil from oppression — causing major blue balls in diplomatic circles.

Remember two days ago when Barack Obama said he would wait and see if the Arab League supported a no-fly zone, before making a decision? Well … they support it now! And that means America has a mandate from Geezus himself to bring Freedom/Halliburton to Libya.

It’s just like Eisenhower said it would be, in his fabled “farewell suckaz” address: “This country is ruled by war merchants. Also, in fifty years everyone will be fat and unemployed.” [CNN]

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