Friday, March 18, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 03-18-11

Right-Wing Media Livid Over Obama's Economic Growth Trip To Latin America
The right-wing media have continuously attacked President Obama for proceeding with his long-planned trip to Latin America in the wake of the crises in Japan and Libya, often mocking his trip as a "vacation." In fact, the President's trip will be "focused on economic opportunities for the United States and the trade relationship" with Latin American nations. Read More

Still Inventing Bias: Right-wing Media Cheer House Vote To Defund "Liberal" NPR
Right-wing media have been cheering the House vote to defund NPR, continuing to call the organization "liberal" and "biased." Yet even conservative commentators have admitted that NPR's coverage is "fair." Read More

Megyn Kelly Disingenuously Calls Union-Busting Bill A "Budget Law"
Fox News' Megyn Kelly deceptively called the anti-collective bargaining law recently passed in Wisconsin a "budget law." In reality, GOP lawmakers stripped out spending provisions to force a vote on the measure without Democrats present, and state lawmakers have yet to pass those spending provisions that were removed from original proposal. Read More

Right-Wing Media Respond To Japanese Nuclear Crisis By Attacking Renewable Energy
In the wake of the earthquake in Japan and the resulting threat of nuclear disaster in that country, right-wing media have attacked renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, arguing that it's a waste of time to pursue these sources as possible alternatives to fossil fuels and nuclear power. However, studies show that the use of wind and solar energy is increasing at a record pace, and continuing investment in wind and solar will yield significant economic benefits. Read More

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