Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 03-15-11

Fox News' Union-Busting Crusade
Fox News' coverage of the recent protests in Wisconsin was rife with falsehoods about unions and attacks on the pro-union protesters. This continues a long pattern of smears and fabrications that characterizes Fox News' campaign to scapegoat and vilify labor unions. Read More

Right-Wing Finds New Evidence Of "Indoctrinat[ion]" In School Kids' WI Union Protest Participation
The right-wing media have seized on a video of students protesting against Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker as evidence of children being "indoctrinate[d]" to support progressive causes. As Media Matters has noted, right-wing media have repeatedly seized on YouTube videos of children to accuse progressives of "indoctrination" of children. Read More

Right-Wing Media's Cognitive Dissonance Persists In "Baby Joseph" Case
The right-wing media has consistently portrayed the medical case of Canadian baby Joseph Maraachli as a fight for survival, claiming he was "rescued" from the Canadian hospital treating him, thus "sav[ing]" the child's life. In fact, Maraachli's condition is incurable -- a fact conceded even by the conservative priests who facilitated moving Maraachli to a Catholic hospital in the U.S. -- and the Canadian hospital had agreed to all of his parents' requests to discharge and transfer the child. Read More

Glenn Beck Uses Fox To Demonize Unions
Glenn Beck has repeatedly used his Fox News show as a platform to villify labor unions, accusing unions of perpetuating violence, linking them to communists, likening union pensions to rape, accusing unions of wanting to destroy "the Western way of life," and claiming that unions are destroying children's education. Read More

Beck Dismisses Cancer Deaths From Chernobyl
Glenn Beck accused the "I hate nukes" people at the United Nations of distorting the number of deaths resulting from the Chernobyl disaster. In fact, the UN's estimated death toll of 4,000 includes fatalities connected to increased exposure to radiation, and that figure is far lower than estimates by other reputable scientists. Read More

Hypocrisy Alert: Conservative Media Decry Unions' "Cheap Trick," Cheered Republicans'
The conservative media have denounced unions in Wisconsin for attempting to negotiate contracts before that state's recently passed anti-union law goes into effect, referring to what they're doing as a "cheap trick." But the conservative media praised Wisconsin Republicans when they used questionable tactics to pass the bill in the state senate. Read More

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